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Spare Parts Features

Equip your business with advanced inventory/

cost management system that also helps in procurement and sales

Make Quotations & Payments a Breeze

Fleetnetics automates Quotation & Invoicing.


Fleetnetics Automotive Solution

Fleetnetics supports generation and email of Quotations, Delivery Orders, Purchase Orders and many more.

Smooth The Way For Administrations

Fleetnetics monitors all inventory, warehouse and documents statuses including stock level, movements and inventory profitability.

Easy Management

Fleetnetics supports generation of batch invoices and emails of Rental Agreement, Payment Notice and many more.

Unlimited Ways & Endless Applications to Suit Your Business Needs

Fleetnetics provides over 100 different modules to meet your needs. We strive hard so as to deliver the perfect system for you.


Quotation (Parts) / Sales Module

Detailed quotation and order functionality for both inventory and non-inventory parts with automatic GST adjustment.



Goods Return

Goods return inwards or outwards are automatically accounted for, and changes will be recorded and updated instantly


Packing List

Exportable packing list is generated effortlessly, allocating items to where they belong


Handheld App

With our mobile app, it allows you to track your business and inventories on the move.





Multiple Warehouse

Improve internal operations with real-time warehouse management that comes with individual warehouses or racks monitoring and movement tracking.



Parts Transfer

Supervise and monitor the movement of all your inventories virtually through the screen of your phone.



Fleetnetics will calculate and recommend reorder quantity based on information retrieved within the system


Point of Sale

The user-friendly interface makes navigation and the selling process straightforward. Any transaction made will be connected to your inventory and accounting automatically.



Monitor various inventory parts, non-inventory parts and equipment value to control what you buy and sell.


Parts Monitor

Monitor parts quantity and get restocking notification from specific branch.


Purchasing Modules

Takes complete control of the procurement workflow from generating supplier purchase orders to tracking and issuing invoices. It provides latest parts pricing, cost accrual, parts receivables as well as quality control.


Inventory Management

Improve your inventory and warehouse organization with our effective and efficient system. Get complete traceability of your stocks level, movements from multiple locations, and inventory profitability.


Stock Taking

Monitor the quantity of available physical stock and generate stock-take report without breaking a sweat.


QR / Barcode

Simply point to the QR or barcode you want to scan, and the item will be captured in the system; boosting productivity tremendously.


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of Fleetnetics Spare Parts Distribution ERP Management System

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